Oil for separation and rusting pracs

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Oil for separation and rusting pracs

Post by bigmack »

Hi Labbies ,

Just wondering what oil you all use ?

For a separation Prac we were using Kerosene and water in a separating funnel . It was relatively easy to clean out but some teachers complained about the smell . So we tried vege oil and also Paraffin oil mixed with some water and food dye . This was horrid to clean out .

Then there's Rusting pracs . Some teachers are very creative and alas we also just did Rusting as an ISRP .

So here I am having winge and a rest from removing oil from dozens and dozens of Test tubes and beakers wondering if there is a better oil to use that cleans up easier . :-({|=

LOL the bin is full of greasy paper towel . Then a pre-wash in the sink then a finish in the dishwasher :crazy:
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Re: Oil for separation and rusting pracs

Post by melsid »

We use vegetable oil here, and sadly the clean up involves copious amounts of paper towel, very hot water and detergent. Not to mention the blood, sweat and tears from the labbie...

I'd love to know if there is anything out there easier to clean up!!!
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Re: Oil for separation and rusting pracs

Post by Prima »

We use vegetable oil in a separating funnel as well, but I don't bother cleaning it. Just drain as much as possible and then label it "Use with oil", so the same one gets used each time.
And the rusty nails - I've tried some different ideas this year, still to decide if any of them worked any better. And sometimes the horrible oily test tubes accidentally get thrown away....
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Re: Oil for separation and rusting pracs

Post by Ines »

After I take the tap off, I soak the separating funnel in warm water with either Palmolive dishwashing liquid or any liquid hand wash (the latter seems to work quite well, maybe not perfect), rinse it, let it dry and put it away. I also try to use the same ones for future oil separation pracs.
The reason I specify Palmolive is because I find other detergents are not as good with washing glassware with vegetable oil. I hope this helps
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Re: Oil for separation and rusting pracs

Post by fibreweb »

For rusting nails we use small 50ml specimen jars.
Oily ones get tossed and the others just get washed, if there is still a rust stain it doesn't matter as that is what the jar will be used for next time too.
These jars are invaluable for many other uses also
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