S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

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S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

Post by Labtechie70 »

Hi Guys,

We are having a safety audit next term, and apart from an updated chemical register and SDS's, I was wondering if and when equipment S.O.P.s need
revising or reprinting even though nothing has changed. Similarly for prep staff risk assessments; how long are they valid for?
Thanks! And happy holidays :clap3:

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Re: S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

Post by Merilyn1 »

There is no definite time for SOPS, but should read over and make a note that they have been reviewed and no changes (if appropriate).
Risk assessments should be reviewed each year. They do not need to be changed if the circumstances have not changed. But do amend if you have new staff (the staff member doing the task is responsible for their own RA), new equipment, changes in room layout if it creates new hazards, etc. You should sign and date the risk assessment with the new date.
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Re: S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

Post by Labtechie70 »

Thanks Merilyn!
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Re: S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

Post by Labbie »

A SOP is a Standard operating procedure is how to operate that flume cupboard, or klin, or any thing else that is a PLANT equipment, my understanding of Plant is fixed to the floor wall built in etc. and a I 2 3 to use that flume cupboard. So I do not think they would go out of date.
1 push button A
2 turn knob to c
3 wait 2 mins for the bleep
4 ready to use. etc
Regards Labbie

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Re: S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

Post by Merilyn1 »

SOPs can also be written for any task we do, so things like chemical handling, preparation of dissection pracs etc, would all be warranted in having a SOP. They only need to change if the situation changes, but it is good practice to read through and review them. You may have learnt along the way of a new procedure, or there have been changes to the rating of chemicals, which all need to be taken into account.
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Re: S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

Post by Lyn »

There are some useful SOP's on Science Assist. Dissection procedures, some equipment procedures, use of safety equipment and some chemical handling procedures. All useful and ready for printing off and storing in folders.
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Re: S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

Post by dutchyduggan »

Just wondering do we need to have S.O.P.s?? I don't think we have any at the moment?? I have been thrown in the deep end 2 yrs ago with not much explanation other than the basics. Have been asked to have a look in our OH&S policy and update our chemical register for the whole school. (we are not a real big school). We have risk assessments for all the pracs we do and have a chemical register through Chemwatch (but not liking it that much) but Chemwatch has not been updated for nearly 3 years (one of those jobs I didn't know I had). If anyone has some advise that would be great, Thanks
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Re: S.O.P.s and R.A.s - how long are they valid for?

Post by Merilyn1 »

SOPs are a good thing to have but there are other things that would be more important - your chemical register for a start. When you have the register under your belt, are confident with your risk assessment process, you could then look at SOPs. As someone mentioned earlier, Scienceassist has some fantastic examples that you can print off then modify for your own workplace.
I have PM'd you my email address.
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