Natural Gas

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Natural Gas

Post by linotas »

Does anyone use town gas? We have just converted and had the first lesson using new bunsen burners. Apparently there was a residual gas smell so much so that they moved the next class. The onsite guys checked it out and said they could not find any fault. We have a system that should cut off if there is any fault in the line including leaks.

One suggestion is that it was the residual gas left in the bunsen's. I don't believe this though. I will test next time a class set is used by letting them burn out to stop and see if there is any smell.

However has anyone had anything similar or have any theories? When the teacher picked up the box of bunsen's she said she go a very strong gas smell and that in class the smell was coming from the area they are stored.
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Re: Natural Gas

Post by Merilyn1 »

Funnily enough, I have just moved to a new school (and new building - just to brag!) and noticed the same thing. I've only ever worked at schools with LP gas and the new building is connected to town gas. After the students had used the bunsens for the first time, I went into the classroom afterwards and noticed the smell of gas still coming from the bunsens that had been put back in the cupboards. We, too, have a very funky looking gas shut off so I don't think it is a fault, just the residual smell.
Curious if anyone has anything to contribute to this.
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Re: Natural Gas

Post by Xenon »

Are the new bunsens for use with natural gas (should have letters NG on base)? They have different jet to the LPG burners.
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Re: Natural Gas

Post by Merilyn1 »

Our's do - just bought new ones. Still leaves the mystery of the gas smell.
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Re: Natural Gas

Post by phillip o »

Have you got new wire mats? We have, and they stink at first heating. Could this be the cause?
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Re: Natural Gas

Post by Merilyn1 »

Ours is definitely a gas smell. But, we also have new gauze mats, might check those out. As an aside, I just bought new ones, paid the premium for the "better" quality but am disappointed to find the quality is not what I expected. Looks like I'll be buying more in 12 months time, but they won't be the same ones.
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Re: Natural Gas

Post by linotas »

Yes, new NG bunsens and no, gauze mats are not new. I have the gas installers coming in with their meters to help me run a mock up test of what happened. Will keep you posted.
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