Do you help with your Science Budet

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Do you Help with science Budget

Poll ended at 23 Sep 2013, 13:27

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Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by Labbie »

We would like to know if you help keep track of Science budget, where the money goes too??

Or Does your head teacher do it?

I was hopping to do a voting poll, but for the life of me I can not find it.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by dime »

No, this is the responsibility of the Head Teacher. I just spend what I can, which in the past has been a reasonable budget, but now and next year will be very paltry.
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by Vick »

I complete all the order forms and reimbursement forms for teachers that buy things with their own money. I decide what sub-dissections to be put onto the orders and then keep a running record of the amount of money we have left in our budget. However, the office does give the head teacher a printout each month of our remaining budget.

Basically I do it all, this annoys me sometimes because I don't even think the teaching staff would even know where to find an order form.
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by dss8386 »

I also complete all the purchase reqs and reimbursements. My boss keeps a close eye on the budget but I always make sure the budget is in order. I know hes very busy so I dont mind doing it, he does check it from time to time. Anything I purchase of high value, I always run past my HOD.

Our budget was reduced by 20% this year, and because we get new labs next year, Im guessing its going to be cut further, so I have had to be very careful when purchasing. I still have a little left in the budget for this year though.
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by nickyw »

yes its me and HOD who organise budget in every way
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by linotas »

One school, yes, my HOD would have no idea how much we have left. I do all of the ordering and can request an up to date expenditure from the Financial Officer any time. I also do the budget projection for the next year. The other school, I order everything but thats about it. We have a very generous budget given to us each year (in the realms of $20 000+ for a approx. 450/500 student 7-12 campus) but I have no role in setting or keeping to it.
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by annettstanley »

I generally do all the ordering and day to day purchses of consumables. I then keep track of the these in a spreedsheet with subdisections for PD, textbooks, consumables, equipment etc of course of have to get the HODs approval before ordering large orders.
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by Labbie »

Please keep it coming folks, I see we are a busy lot, spreedsheet, etc, orders, etc. THank you so much. Some one today, said I was the ONLY one in AUstralia who did this.
Regards Labbie

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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by cosmo »

I do the ordering, liase with accounts department for payment of invoices, and keep track of everything in a spreadsheet divided into sub sections. For large expenses I get HODs approval first. I dont have to do the annual budget submission though :thumbup:
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by dss8386 »

Your not the only one, in all of my 4 schools Ive worked at, the lab tech has always had some involvement with the budget whether its just ordering or organising the budget. Generally the lab tech will take care of most of it, but there are certain things that the HOD has to approve.

At the end of each year, my HOD and myself sit down with the science teachers and work out the big ticket items for the following year. My boss takes care of that with the bursar.

Everything else, I do but my boss does the occasional order e.g books, stationery etc.
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Re: Do you help with your Science Budet

Post by Jen2 »

I do all the ordering, preparation of invoices for the payments officer and keep a spreadsheet of everything we spend each year. For day to day consumables I order without consulting the HOD but bigger items are discussed first. Each month the business manager provides a printout of expenditure and I check this with my records. At the end of each year I prepare a list of items that need to be purchased for the following year (usually replacement items) and show these to the HOD for approval.
The order book stays on my desk and all teachers come to me when they would like something ordered (and if big, I then discuss with the HOD).
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Re: Do you help with your Science Budet

Post by nickykinz »

I sound very much like Jen2. For senior years, I keep the PO book, do all the ordering and keep records of it. We are a prep to 12 school and there are separate budgets, which makes it really difficult. If it is stuff for MY's I have to get permission first, even for fairly small expenditures and then get them to sign for it. In SY's i have a much better idea of how much money we have as it is a science budget rather than a curriculum budget like in MY's. I then sit down with the HOD to discuss what we have spent this year and any large items for the following year. I don't get involved in the middle years budget though.
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Re: Do you help with your Science Budet

Post by mazcheck »

I help spend our science budget :D but don't have an input into the forming of it. The HOD keeps tabs and tells me when we are starting to run out.
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Re: Do you help with your Science Budet

Post by DavidPeterson »

mazcheck wrote:I help spend our science budget :D but don't have an input into the forming of it. The HOD keeps tabs and tells me when we are starting to run out.
I'm the exact opposite...I keep track and tell our Co-ordinator when we are starting to run out!
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by DavidPeterson »

Labbie wrote:Please keep it coming folks, I see we are a busy lot, spreedsheet, etc, orders, etc. THank you so much. Some one today, said I was the ONLY one in AUstralia who did this.
Definitely not the only one! If I didn't do it - we'd have nothing, as our Co-ordinator leaves it all to me to research, locate, get pricing and purchase. She signs major purchase orders but that's just a formality as she'll sign anything I put under her nose......
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Re: Do you help with your Science Budet

Post by sunray18 »

I just ORDER! I f I see anything over and above our usual purchases - any gear that is new and interesting- I print up all details about it AND an order forma nd then give it to HOD. We only stop spending when the Principal says to. We do not have a budget.
I order extra's if i can - eg an extra box of beakers if I am ordering beakers- and these go into storage for future use. I have quite a store now of glassware and other consumables. If in the future we do have budgets issued then I have a hedge to keep us going for quite a while.
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Re: Do you help with your Science Budet

Post by smiley »

Naturally, all of what I say relates to when I'm actually at work, but my replacement does the same thing, which is....

I hold my own PO book, and I do all the ordering. After all, I know what needs replacing, what broke during the year, and what we didn't have enough of last time we did Experiment X. My HOD discusses new directions in the Australian Curriculum, and we talk about what we might need to implement that.

With a bunch of new labs, and (praise the Lord) a Principal who likes things to look shiny new, not ancient and battered, we have been acquiring new sets of general lab equipment, and have been able to take advantage of new technology, like the silicon hot mats mentioned elsewhere.

I have a "Consumables" budget, and an "Equipment" budget, and I keep a reasonable eye on where the money is going. We have the usual interdepartmental debates over some issues, e.g. Why do I have to buy paper towel for hand washing out of my budget when the rest of the school gets to wash & dry their hands on the "general" budget?

Personally, I would HATE not having input (you're all surprised I know!), so I'm happy with the status quo here.
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Re: Do you help with Science budget???????

Post by Wayne »

[quote="DavidPeterson Definitely not the only one! If I didn't do it - we'd have nothing, as our Co-ordinator leaves it all to me to research, locate, get pricing and purchase. She signs major purchase orders but that's just a formality as she'll sign anything I put under her nose......[/quote]

I'm the same. In the past I would have to get HOD to sign all purchases, but now my signature on the PO is enough. Still have to get the School Finance Officer to sign off on it though, like every other depatment.
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Re: Do you help with your Science Budet

Post by tuesday »

I help with the science budget and do all the orders as well
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